Worship or Kneel?
Does your Bible use the term “Worship” or “Kneel” in Matthew 20:20.Here is another “correction” that is made to the God honored King James Bible while claiming to be just a “New” improved version with updates to archaic words. Lets examine the “New” King James Version and see how they “update” the language so you can understand it better shall we…”Then the mother of Zebedee’s sons came to Him with her sons, KNEELING down and asking something from Him.” Now the first thing you will immediately notice is a change from the term “Worshipping”(KJV) to “Kneeling”(NKJV). They have perverted the text and in so doing are attacking the Deity of Jesus Christ! The Bible says they came worshipping Him! But these blasphemous fools will have none of that so they water it down alittle bit (like they do with so many other passages) so it does not come across so strong so that any Jehovah’s Witness would be proud!! remember my friend EVERY WORD OF GOD IS PURE!!(Proverbs 30:5) The “New” King James Version is a counterfeit of the genuine King James Bible that God has honored and used for 400 years now. Stick with the genuine and you wont be fooled by the counterfeits when they come along which averages out to be around 2 per year now and all done just to get your money!! To prove this just look at any New version on the market in the front inside cover. It has a “copyright” on the text itself! The King James Bible has NO copyright on the text period! You cant copyright the words of God!(2 Timothy 2:9) They are out to make as much money off you as possible!(2 Peter 2:3)They have no interest in getting the text right! They never have!(2 Corinthians 2:17)
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