The Church of Your Choice?
I have heard people several times over the years tell people to “Go to the church of your choice” and sad to say this is becoming a common phrase among Christians to say to people as well. In this sick Laodicean church age it seems anything goes except Bible Believing preaching. Lets take a look at what we are really saying to people when we tell them to go to the church they refer instead of the one God wants them to go to…..1. People prefer a rock style “worship” service that appeals to the flesh and gets those numbers up and pack them pews out instead of an old fashioned church service where the preaching of the Word of God is front and center and souls are being truly converted by the power of the BLOOD!! 2.People prefer to go to a service where there is more singing and emotionalism instead of preaching if any at all..Now I misunderstand I am not opposed to good singing and shouting and praising God but this should never replace the preaching of the Word of God period. I take issue with that when the ‘Holy Ghost” takes over a service and NO preaching is done or the preacher could not preach because the “spirit” would not allow him to..This is totally unbiblical because the Holy Spirit of the Bible always exalts the Word being preached and taught. You can see this over and over again throughout the Bible. Acts 4:31, John 14:26, John 16:7-11, and Romans 10:14-18. There are many more passages I could site on this but you get the point. When the Holy Spirit is operating in a service he is there to convict the hears..and how shall they hear without a preacher??? 3. How about people who prefer to hear out right heresy instead of the Gospel of Truth. You want know the Gospel of Truth unless it is preached!! No m y friend I will never tell a person to go to a church of their choice or preference. Not in an age of Bible rejecting, heretical preaching, get rich off God, tell me everything is ok when it is not and the whole world is going to Hell in a hand basket and then some! No I will tell you what the Bible says. Go where SOUND DOCTRINE that is rightly divided is being preached and upheld! 2 Timothy 1:13,Titus 1:13,2 timothy 3:16, 2 Timothy 4:3,Titus 2:1,Titus 2:7. Nothing like a good old King James Bible to straighten out the crowd when they get unruly!!
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