Can We Speak Things Into Existence?
Only God can speak things into existence! This is part of God’s divine nature! Men cannot do this! Those today who claim we can speak things into existence in another persons life are teaching witchcraft! We are to pray for God’s will to be done in our lives and the lives of others! God is the one who determines whether a thing will come to pass or not and that based on His will and His Word. The whole idea that we can just walk around and speak positive things into existence for other people has its roots in the occult and metaphysics and is not based on a proper view of the Bible! Plus if these preachers who claim to believe this were sincere then why not go and speak salvation to every single home in America. I same non sense that Satan used in the Garden of Eden that gets repackaged. Just like some preachers who claim to have the gift of healing yet they refuse to go to hospitals and clean out the cancer wards or spend their time praying for the sick in these places. No they rather show off their gift on TV where it can be carefully orchestrated and drive around in $100,000 cars and own 10 mansions while fleecing the flock! I misunderstand me! I do believe God heals in answer to prayer( He has healed me on several occasions in answer to prayer) but to be a show off with such an extraordinary gift and set yourself up on a pedestal claiming to have the same prerogatives as God when God plainly says His Glory will He not give to another!(Isaiah 42:8;48:11) is not the Biblical way of doing things. This is just another attempt to put ourselves on the same level as God and in fact many of these guys even claim they are little gods with god like powers. (Satan promised this in Genesis 3:5 but we refuse to accept this lie! 1 Corinthians 8:4-6) The Antichrist himself will do this very thing when he arrives on the scene!! 1 Thessalonians 2:3-10
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