Are We Deified?
I would like to critique an article tonight that I read out of Good News a magazine published by The United Church of God out of Ohio. The title caught my attention and what I read was very shocking. The title of the article was “Deification As Children of God.”(Part of a bigger article entited “Why Are You Here”) Now before we go further let me just state that this is the same type of false Doctrine being taught by popular preachers in our churches such as Benny Hinn, Paula White, Creflo Dollar,The Mormon Church, New Age Theology teachers,the crowd at TBN and the whole charismatic bunch who refuse to heed good Sound Doctrine as taught in the Bible.(2 Timothy 4:3-4) So lets examine what is being propagated by this false teacher(Tom Robinson) and test it by the Pure Word of God shall we!! He starts out with the following quote by C S Lewis in his Mere Christianity book page 176 “If we let Him-for we can prevent Him,if we choose-He will make the feeblest and filthiest of us into a god or godess, a dazzling,radiant, immortal creature,pulsating all through with such energy and joy and wisdom and love as we cannot now imagine, a bright stainless mirror which will reflect back to God perfectly( though of course on a smaller scale) His own boundless power and delight and goodness.” Then he goes on to say in the article “The term gods is really meant to distinguish multiple God Beings constituting the one God-the one God meaning the one God family. as mentioned before there are present two fully divine members of the God family two distinct Beings God the Father and God the Son Jesus Christ. And as incredible as it sounds there will be more to come” Now did you get all that. Do you understand what he just stated in this short space. Now lets examine this in light of what the Bible says and straighten him out with the Good Old King James Bible shall we. 1. God is not going to make us into a god or godess not now and not ever in the future!! This is THE LIE Satan got Eve to buy into and men have been buying into it ever since! Read Genesis 3:4-7. 1 Corinthians 8:4-6 and Deuteronomy 6:4 makes it very clear that there is one God and You and I are not it. We as creatures are seperate from our creator and are in a different class and it is not in the “God Class” as some teach. 2. There is only One Being called God not beings and the Bible that is the King James Bible never uses the term God Family ever..Not one time so we can trash that term completely.One God means exactly what it says! One God not one God family! That is teaching Polytheism to say God is a family! 3. There are not two fully divine members but THREE! Read it in 1 John 5:7 and Matthew 28:19. Anyone with a third grade education can read and see that!! 4. They are not distinct BEINGS but distinct PERSONS in the ONE BEING we call God.This is called Monotheism which is what the KJV Bible teaches. Get your theology right before you go writing articles as false as this!! 5. There will never ever be more added to the GODHEAD. This is utter Blasphemy any way you slice it on the board. The creature will never become the creator and never be a part of the Godhead as he teaches over and over in this article. I will continue this critique tomorrow because there are many things in this article that needs to be addressed and many things that has crept into the church such as this that must be exposed!! This is just the introduction. Continuing now on page 6 of the article we find the following “…man was created according to the “God-kind”.” This is the same terminology that other charismatic heretics in the “prosperity gospel” teach such as Fred Price,Casey Treat,Kenneth Copeland,Joel Olsteen, Paula White and the whole crowd at TBN. Keep that in mind as we go further. Not one “Faith” preacher or self appointed “Apostle” in the bunch denies this “God-Kind” theology.They all teach it. He goes further “So God was essentially reproducing Himself through humanity.” Page 7 “God confirms that they are indeed elohim.” Who are they he tells us in the next statement. “True Christians will be changed into divine spirit beings like the Father and Christ.” ” God’s purpose is to exalt human beings from this fleshly existence to the same level of divine spirit existence that He has as we will see.” “The Spirit-begotten Christian is a child of God an actual member of Elohim” Now friend this kind of blasphemous heresy is not isolated to just a few fringe segments in our society anymore. This has gone mainstream in our churches such as here in this article and mainstream in the news media through movies and in our pop culture through music etc. The charismatic churches are swallowing this kind of theology hook, line, and sinker!! No one questions these false prophets anymore and when one does he is called a trouble maker or heresy hunter or some other name that is meant to shut him up. Now lets take a look at each of these false statements above. God did not create man according to the God-Kind but raither in “His own image”(Genesis 1:27) which is totally different than what was stated by the author. Verse 26 says “In Our Image”. This simply refers you to the Trinity and as there are three members of the God head 1.Father 2.Son 3.Holy Ghost (1 John 5:7) man himself made in that image is made up of three parts himself 1.Body 2.Soul 3.Spirit. Further he is a free moral agent and as such is made in the image of God. But no where does the Bible say man is part of the “God Kind” but rather man is part of humankind or mankind. Man is separate from God in nature and being. God is outside of time and man as part of creation in confined to time. Next the author tells his readers that we as Christians are in actuality Elohim part of the “God Family”. Imagine that! Nowhere in the Bible does the Bible ever hint to such a blasphemous statement. In fact the Bible tells us in Psalm 8:5 God made man a little lower than the angels(Hebrew term is Elohim). Now if we are made a little lower than angels which are created spirits how in the world can you go from that to stating we are in actuality Elohim Himself. Again this is all part of a greater theology infiltrating churches exalting man to a status of being his own god and buying the same lie that Eve bought in the Garden by Satan”ye shall be as gods” (Genesis 3:5). This is what caused Satan to fall from his status in Isaiah 14:12-16 and Ezekiel 28:12-19. God will never share His glory with another (Isaiah 42:8,Isaiah 48:11-13) and there will never be a god formed after Him! (Isaiah 43:10) God Himself declares He is ONE and therefore the term “God Family” is totally unbiblical!!( Deuteronomy 6:4, Isaiah 43:15, Deuteronomy 32:39,Mark 12:29-32) This kind of teaching that tries to deify man is to be rejected by the Bible Believer where ever it is propagated regardless of how popular the teacher is. .( The Article is from THE GOOD NEWS Mag May-June Issue 2013 pages 4-7 by Tom Robinson
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