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To listen in live for the church services you may call in at (617) 829-6664 Service times are Sunday morning – 11:00 EST; Sunday evening – 6:00 EST; Wednesday evening – 7:00 EST

Missionary for the month of July is the Raymond Jones family. They are missionaries to Mexico. You can click here to view their profile and support them financially. They would love to hear from you. Let them know that you are praying for them.

Our mission statement is plain and simple; we are out to win souls for our Lord Jesus Christ and proclaim the whole council of God from cover to cover in the King James Bible and defend it against all heresy, both modern and ancient. We are a Bible Believing Independent Baptist Church and by that we mean the following things:

1. “Bible Believing” meaning we believe every single word God gave us in the King James Bible of the Protestant Reformation and we will defend it against all critics both secular and religious.

2. “Independent” not to do as we please but to do as God pleases as He has given us instruction in His Word. We are unaffiliated meaning we do not belong to any association, convention or organization. We promote and emphasize the local church where the local Pastor is the Bishop and Christ is the Head and the King James Bible is our final authority. We receive our marching orders from God alone.

3. “Baptist” not as in the denomination but as in the practice of Baptist Doctrine found in the Bible. Baptist comes from the Anabaptists who re-baptized those who had been improperly baptized. We as Baptists believe that only upon one’s profession of faith in Christ and trusting Him alone for Salvation can one become a candidate for Baptism. We are not Protestants because we did not come out of the Roman Catholic Church. We existed long before Romanism got it’s foothold in Christianity. We were known by various names, Anabaptist being one of them. We never were a part of the Roman Catholic Church, and never will be. We are fundamentalists in that we believe in all the fundamentals of the Faith, which include the verbally plenary inspiration of the Holy Scriptures, the literal account of creation in Genesis, the virgin birth of Christ, His sinless life, His blood atonement, His bodily resurrection/ascension and His imminent return. We do not however stop there. We believe every word God said in the Holy Scriptures and we are commanded by Him to study to show ourselves approved and to rightly divide the Word of truth. This we shall do!


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